
this dream took place in a waterpark and featured reigen and dimple from mob psycho.

the two of them were there on a job investigating, because the owner was convinced that this guy was using black magic to cheat at some sort of tree competition? of course, reigen thought it was bullshit, so he only brought dimple along, just in case it was legit and to save reigens ass from dying.

there was an enormous pine tree at the waterpark, very very tall, and dimple immediately knew something was wrong and told reigen that the tree was full of spiritual energy. reigen was liek o dam...

as reigen and the owner talked, dimple happened to notice the evil tree guy entering these two metal doors, so naturally he followed him.

tree guy was able to see dimple, which meant that he had some sort of psychic ability, and dimple asked him "oi whatre you up to?" to which he responds, "oh im just getting ready for the competition, ehehe! Leave." dimple was like okie :3, but instead of actually leaving, he just went into his invisible mode to watch.

a good idea from him, since after that, two other guys showed up and the three of them began discussing evil things and how evil they are and how theyre gonna like, destroy the world with this giant tree or something.

dimple was like "this isnt good! i gotta tell reigay!", so he does that. it ends with dimple exploding the tree, which i can remember how it looked in my dream, it was very cool, and it was just gone.

the only thing left were the pine needles that came down. all over the waterpark too. tree guy got arrested as well. another successful exorcism from reigen arataka!

probably one of my favorite dreams recently, it was just so vivid