The Psycho Helmet Webring

Welcome! 10%

The Psycho Helmet webring is for fans of the series Mob Psycho 100, as well as followers of Lord Psycho Helmet! The requirements to join are simple: you must be a fan of Mob Psycho 100 and you must have a personal website. I cannot accept websites that contain explicit adult content or bigotry.

If you found this page and have no idea what Mob Psycho 100 is: go check it out NOW!

"Psycho Helmet?
       In my forums?"

It's more likely than you think.


How can I join? 30%

Send an email to with the subject "Psycho Helmet Webring" or something similar to that. Please include your site URL, display name, button (optional), and your favorite MP100 character(s) (and let me know why they're your fave)!

I'll reply pretty quickly letting you know when you've been accepted, so make sure to check your email often. You can choose from any of the widgets below to put on your site, preferably somewhere like an index page, links/webrings page, somewhere easily accessible.

Webring Widgets 50%

There are five widgets to choose from, when putting the code on your site replace "onionring-widget" with any of the following!


"small-widget" (transparent)

"dimple-widget" (also transparent)



Copy and paste this code:

Make sure to include the css file.

Webring Members / Total Count: 33 100%!

Benny @ sugarforbrains

Favorite characters:

Reigen and Dimple

Rita @ sunnyday

Favorite characters:

Tome, Mob, and Onigawara

adrian @ lamorte

Favorite characters:

Reigen and Mob

treb @ rindustrial

Favorite characters:

Teru and Musashi

casiopea @ kelpeater

Favorite characters:

Tome and Serizawa


Favorite characters:

Reigen, Mob, and Dimple

abelpom @ scouts-basement

Favorite characters:

Tome and Teru

des @ doqmeat

Favorite characters:

Teru and Tome


Favorite characters:


mari @ cardcaptors

Favorite characters:

Tome, Reigen and Tsubomi

cinder @ cinders-stuff

Favorite characters:

Reigen, Mob and Dimple

Enn @ ginkgophyta

Favorite characters:


Phan @ local98

Favorite characters:

Mezato and Mob

zed @ ohrade

Favorite characters:

Mob and Teru

Yame @ squeezeoats

Favorite characters:


chao @ boatemhq

Favorite characters:


Enit @ enit

Favorite characters:

Teru and Tome

Favorite characters:

Mob, Reigen and Dimple

Dan @ danppun

Favorite characters:


Jojjo @ jojjo

Favorite characters:


Milla @ crashtestdummy

Favorite characters:


Claire @ pinkvampyr

Favorite characters:

Reigen and Mob

Rue @ unitesynchronization

Favorite characters:

Teru and Matsuo

evil benny @ lopster

Favorite characters:


aoi @ hatsu

Favorite characters:


Frankie @ caitsith

favorite characters:

Mob, Teru, and Tome

Newt @ pleurodelinae

Favorite characters:


Neo @ neotomic

Favorite characters:



Favorite characters:


Jan @ jadziajan

Favorite characters:


June @ webcatz

Favorite characters:

Mob, Tome, and those Silly Aliens

Yapi @

Favorite characters:

Reigen and Mob

Raven @ mspaintdemon

Favorite characters:


Ted @ rainyshinydays

Favorite characters:

Mob and Tome

Jiji @ angelgarden

Favorite characters:

Mob, Teru and Minegishi

hal @ halcified

Favorite characters:

Teru and Shou

You @ Your site

Your button

Your favorite characters:


You @ Your site

Your button

Your favorite characters:
